Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Week 1 - Thing 2 7 1/2 Habits

Ok so as promiese I finally went back and took a look at the 7 1/2 habits of life long learning. Very interesting tutorial I think, lots of very good points. Looking at different habits I am surpried at how many of these I pride myself in trying to do every day. I am always looking for opportunities to improve my knowledge and increase my skills in various areas. Ways that I practice these habits, well I would have to start with Habit 1 - Begin with the end in mind. Going back to school to finish up my Bachelors degree so that I can pursue a goal for a Masters in Library Science I believe is a good example of that. Habit 2 - accept responsibility for your own learning. Again I believe striving to take a minimum of 3 classes a year is a good start. Habit 3 - view problems as challenges. I do that every day at work, this is actually one of my favorite things about my job. Habit 4- have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. Ok this is probably where I need the most help, I am not very confident in myself, but I am working on it. Habit 5- Create your own learning toolbox. Honey I have a more then one toolbox, and they keep getting bigger and bigger. Habit 6 - Use technology to your advantage. I love technology, that is why my major in school is Business Technology Administration. Habit 7 - Teach & Mentor others. I am a true believer that is what BCPL is about, helping other's grow in there quest for knowledge as well, and that it only makes the teacher stronger. Habit 7 1/2 - Play! Well any of you who know me know that this is not a problem for me either lol. So off to a good start I believe. So on we go! WOOT!


JimD said...

Wow, you're moving right along. It's obvious that this comes fairly easily to you. Keep an eye out for co-workers who might be struggling. One of the goals of this program is for all of us to learn the 'things'. The other goal is for us to develop BCPL as a place where we all work together to learn important skills.

catbird said...

You've been tagged! Go to d's blog for details.